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Intelligence about cybercriminals is our specialty. That’s why we’ve compiled this blog to warn you about the dangers of these hackers and how to protect yourself from them. From society conspiracies such as tracking people by their cell phones, to hacking into your computer and stealing your personal information, the list goes on and on. The Internet has made us more accessible than ever before — and also easier prey for people like these hackers. They give new meaning to the term “high-tech crimes.” The term cyber-crime was first used in 1994 and has increased exponentially ever since. According to the FBI, the three main types of cybercrime are: identity theft, computer fraud and child exploitation. Identity theft is known as one of the most rampant crimes; it is committed by hackers or people who access computers without authorization and then use that access for illegal purposes. For example, a hacker might steal your credit card number and then use it without you knowing. Because most credit card companies will not reimburse you after you make a purchase, this is considered a “lost purchase” and has the potential to hurt your credit score. These types of crimes are difficult to detect since hackers usually access private computers through files that are easy to hide. It can be very hard for anyone except the hacker to know what had been stolen. Computer fraud is also one of the most prevalent crimes. These schemes typically involve people who trick others into giving out personal information over the Internet, such as personal documents or information about another person through their computer. Another popular crime is child exploitation. The FBI has identified this crime as the most damaging of the crimes, since children are usually hurt physically or emotionally. Cyber-crime becomes more prevalent as people are not able to protect their information. Most cyber crimes are committed because of weak security systems, says the FBI Cyber-Crime division. The first step to preventing these crimes is to take precautions with your personal information and computer access. Make sure that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) has a good security system that tracks unauthorized access and changes made to any accounts or files. Do not store any sensitive information on your computer. Keep only the information that you need for work. Delete emails after you read them, and use customer lists sparingly. Also, make sure your computer is up-to-date with the latest antivirus software. Update this software when new viruses are created. This will protect you against any programs that hackers might install in order to take information without your knowledge. Be aware of files that are giving access to other people or files that may be hiding in your computer that you do not recognize; immediately shut down the program if it looks suspicious or unfamiliar. cfa1e77820